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Big (and small) Fish Tales

VARIVAS Fishing News Blog

Field Report: Catching Trout with VARIVAS Blue Moon Fluoro line
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Field Reporter Juan Varela Instagram: @eltroutslayer The date of the fishing trip: December 2021 Location: Yucaipa Regional Park and Silverwood Lake, San Bernadino County, California Target Fish: Rainbow Trout Fishing…

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VARIVAS Super Trout Advance Twitch Master
Field Report: VARIVAS Twitch Master–Real World Review and Field Test Results
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Field Reporter D. Yoder Date: February 2021 Location: Kentucky Target Fish: Bluegill Fishing Style: Ultralight Tackle Information: Line: VARIVAS Super Trout Advance Twitch Master VLS Nylon In my quest to…

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Field Report: Balance of Strength and Finesse
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Field Reporter areastyle_california The date of the fishing trip: November 2021 Location: Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada Target Fish: Rainbow Trout Fishing Style: Freshwater, Spinning, Barbless, Area Style Trout lures and gear…

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Field Report: Pushing the Limit . . . a mountain stream Personal Best
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Field Reporter Jay Location: Finger Lakes, New York Target Fish: Atlantic Salmon Fishing Style: Freshwater, BFS (Bait Finesse System) Tackle Information: Rod:  Tenryu Rayz RZ56L-BC Reel: Shimano Calcutta Conquest BFS…

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Field Report: Jumping into “BFS” gear
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Field Reporter saynooo_j Location: Lake Balboa, California Target Fish: Largemouth Bass Fishing Style: Freshwater, BFS (Bait Finesse System) Tackle Information: Rod:  Majorcraft Speedstyle Reel: Shimano Calcutta Conquest BFS Line: VARIVAS…

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Field Report: Sierra Gold
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Field Reporter Finesse Anglers Location: Mammoth Lakes, California Target Fish: Trout Fishing Style: Freshwater, Saltwater, BFS (Bait Finesse System), Spinning Tackle Information: Rod:  Olympic Graphite Leader Finezza Prototype Reel: Shimano…

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Field Report: Fall BFS Fishing
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Field Reporter Jay Location: Finger Lakes, New York Target Fish: Atlantic Salmon Fishing Style: Freshwater, BFS (Bait Finesse System) Tackle Information: Rod:  Tenryu Rayz RZ56L-BC Reel: Shimano Calcutta Conquest BFS…

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Field Report: I made the switch! And now I’m catching TROUT!
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Field Reporter YouTube & Instagram blogger:  Itmustbethebait Location: Marysville, Pennsylvania Target Fish: Largemouth Bass and Trout Fishing Style: BFS, Freshwater Tackle Information: Rod: Poison Ultima B66L BFS 5-Piece Reel: Aldebaran…

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New VARIVAS Field Report Program
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Calling all VARIVAS fans & fishing enthusiasts!Do you use VARIVAS products? Like to share your fishing adventures, experiences, stories, and know-how with fellow anglers?  Enjoy taking photos, videos, writing, blogging, or…

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Morris Co., Ltd. changes name to VARIVAS
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Manufacturer of VARIVAS brand fishing line, Morris Co., Ltd., officially changed its company name to VARIVAS Co. Ltd. on September 1, 2021. The name change comes on the heels of…

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Introducing VARIVAS Apparel & Gear
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In response to customer requests, VARIVAS America is now offeringa limited selection and supply ofVARIVAS Fishing Gear and Apparel. Stay cool and protected in VARIVAS Limited Edition Apparel: UV sun…

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VIDEO Spotlight on Master Fishing Rod Builder, Toshio Adachi
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Comprised of a skilled team of fishing rod craftsmen led by master rod builder Toshio Adachi, VARIVAS’s Morris Graphite Works produces state-of-the-art, high-end, handcrafted, limited edition and custom fishing rods.…

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